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Residential Wood Fencing

Wood Fence for Houston Area Residence


Affordably Augment Value & Appeal with Residential Wood Fencing

Residential fencing can add much more than value to a home, it can add the type of practical appeal that offers a real advantage in a tight market. Installing a wood fence in Houston is a particularly affordable option and is typically an easy install. For home shopping families with children or pets, residential wood fencing can make an attractive potential residence in Houston, TX, an irresistible one.

Variety of Options for Wood Fences

There are numerous residential wood fence styles to choose from, ranging from nostalgic white picket fences to sturdy privacy protecting fences to decorative options designed to beautify while they enhance privacy. A variety of woods are available to choose from, including pine and cedar.

Fencemaster also installs commercial wood fencing for businesses located in or near residential areas.

Custom Fence Affordable, Popular in Houston

Custom wood fences are a popular residential fencing choice in the Houston, TX, region, as they are an affordable option for multi-use backyards, such as those dedicating some space to gardening and some space to recreational activities. Wood fences, complemented by ornamental wood gates, can truly enhance a residential landscaping project.

Wood Fences for Houston Families

Wooden fences are an attractive addition to a home. However, the peace of mind that a quality wood fence can offer families with children or people with pets is the real value of residential fencing. Stockade fence, for example, comes in a variety of heights, ranging typically from 4 to 6 feet, though custom wood fence orders for higher or lower heights are common. In addition to offering near perfect visual privacy, a stockade fence of the correct height with not allow dogs to escape by jumping over and there will be no worries about young children climbing over for a bit of un-chaperoned exploration.

In a housing market in which value is perceived to be unsteady, peace of mind takes on a different value, as buyers seeking homes are more interested in the comfort and lifestyle specifics of where they are going live, rather than the potential resale value of a given home. That is why residential fencing is a smart addition to a home that may be entering the market. Residential fencing is practical and appeals to many, whether for privacy purposes or to keep loved ones safe. A wooden fence is an affordable option that can help to increase the value and appeal of homes in the Houston, TX, area.

Request a quote now for a wood fence in Houston or surrounding area, or contact Fencemaster for additional information.